Wednesday, July 11, 2012

As you go

As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”

 This is how today's gospel ends. What do we proclaim as we go? What do the people we are around sense from us?

 When we approach, do they sense the kingdom breaking through our lives and words or do they get a sense of something else altogether?

 As you busy yourself with many things today, whatever it may be, ask yourself whether or not the kingdom, the very kingdom of God, is being allowed to be experienced through your decisions.

 Is the kingdom of forgiveness, truth, light, love, shining forth?
 Is the kingdom of blessing and turning the other cheek and exercising demons and healing of sick making itself known through you and your family?

 Is the kingdom of hope in the resurrection the guiding principle of what you cling to and what you let go off radiating outward? As you go, proclaim the kingdom not as acdistantvreality till to come but as that which has already Ben victorious in your heart!

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