Monday, September 17, 2012

Robert Bellarmine: doctor

Here is a tid bit from St Robert Bellarmine.  As we get our work week started and embrace another Monday.  May the words of Robert Bellarmine spur yo onward with glory in mind.

"Prosperity, wealth, poverty, adversity, health, sickness, honors, humiliation, life, and death, in the mind of the wise man, are not to be sought for their own sake, nor avoided for their own sake.

But if they contribute to the glory of God and your eternal happiness, then they are good and should be sought.  If they detract from this, they are evil and must be avoided."

Certainly this is a good way to get back on tract.

Take a few moments and examine what you give yourself to in your daily schedule. What contributes to the glory of God and what detracts.  Begin their and move forward.

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