Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Faith working through love

Today is the feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.  She was given special apparitions of JEsus within her life.  She was asked to spread the devotion of the Sacred Heart of JEsus.  Many accused her of being false, yet she continued to invite people to devote their lives the Sacred Heart of Christ.

One of the promises Jesus made was that he would bless every place where a picture of his heart would be displayed and honored.

Think about that for a moment.  There are some beautiful artistic renditions of the Sacred HEart of Christ.  Usually the heart is aflame and above the heart is a cross and the cross is wrapped in a crown of thorns.  JEsus' hand usually points to his heart as he beckons the faithful to be consumed by his love.

Yet the public display of such an image can never truly make up for a deep internal recollection of the Sacred Heart it self.  Nothing can purify the inside like the burning flame of Christ love.

the words of JEsus are striking, "although you cleanse the outside, inside you are filled with plunder and evil..."

Yet meditation on the heart of Christ has a way of healing the inside.  Today find an image of the Sacred Heart of JEsus and spend a few moments meditating on the beauty of such a heart.   Let it soak inward and allow the cleansing to begin.  Nothing scrubs the inside more than the mercy of Christ.

Truly  faith working through love can be found in the heart of Christ.

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