Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Rom 5:12,17-19,20-21; Ps  40 Here I am Lord, I come to do your will; Luke 12:35-38

According to the first letter this morning, the letter to the Romans, St Paul, points out the power of one.

"If by that one person's transgression the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the gracious gift of the one man Jesus Christ overflow the many..."

He is comparing the action of Adam to the actions of Jesus.  They both effected many.  One brought destruction and hurt and pain and the other healing and mercy and love.

The power of one.  One can make a tremendous difference in the life of many.

I see that in my line of work all the time.  I see people and I see how they effect the lives of those around them.  I see the power of one in play each and every day.

All it takes is one, we say.  It is true.  One person doing good can effect generations.

Mother Teresa in one of her letters in particular to her sisters quotes Isaiah in the suffering servant passage of ch 53, "I looked for one that would comfort me and I found no one..."

Under neath this quote from Isaiah she wrote to herself and to her sisters, "Be the one..."

Be the one.  Be The one Jesus is looking for to bring comfort.

Be the one today to be the difference.  Be the one that does it differently for the good of the other.  Be the one that reaches down and lifts up.

It is simple spiritual mathematics.  The addition of one always makes more.  The subtraction always makes less.

Jesus made more by the gift of his life.  Adam made less.

Which do we follow?  Be the one!

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