Today we celebrate the feast of the chair of Peter; we celebrate the office of truth passed down through the selection of Peter as the rock upon which the church of Jesus is built.
We celebrate the primacy of faith that gives way to the primacy of love that is most perfectly lived out in standing upon truth as it has been issued forth through the proclamation of Peter, "you are the Christ the son of the living God."
As we encounter Peter's confession we recognize that faith is primarily received, a gift from on high, "for it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father."
The church therefore is not a man made institution, but rather it is the Father's gift to the world. Religion is not man made it is founded by Christ upon the confession of Peter raised on the blood of the martyrs, sent forth to bear the fruit of love to the world, love which finds its culmination in the Eucharist, take and eat this is given for you.
The primacy of Faith leads to the primacy of Love, which is celebrated in the Mass validated by the office of Peter from which Truth flows forth to bring light in to the world.
The Church is an instrument by which the world comes in contact with God's saving word and God's saving deed. For every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we, like Peter, become witnesses of the sufferings of Christ, the suffering reality of love that gives its flesh for the life of the world.
What a beautiful Chair, a Chair that is truly one of nobility for it it bears the mark of truth that remains undivided through out the centuries.
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