Friday, February 1, 2008

private affair

Mark 4:26-34

"But to his own disciples he explained everything privately."

Faith is never a private affair; all fruit of prayer and devotion is meant to be lived publicly.  As Christians we are very much meant to be in the public eye.  Otherwise how could we be the light of the world.  We should let people in on our business, nothing should be hidden, nothing should be kept secret.  With Jesus the secret life has ended...

Yet, in order for our public witness to have any value, in order for our lives to bring light, in order for the kingdom to spread forth, and in order for the seed of faith  to grow, we must have some private time with our Lord.  

In the silence, in the quiet, in intimacy with Jesus, can the seed truly begin to blossom, can the fruit truly begin to mature, can the dough truly begin to rise...

Mother Teresa shared this wisdom with us:  if you are busy then maybe you need two hours with the Lord and not one.  The more active we are the more time we need with Jesus.  The more we contemplate the kingdom the more the kingdom will become active in our life.

Otherwise our public life just becomes a private affair, our little private practice, and not His.   

1 comment:

briteeyes said...

Nice job. That last sentence really says it all. We busy ourselves with our own wants and sometimes forget to ask what God really wants from us.