Wednesday, January 30, 2008

going steady

Mark 4:1-20

The sower goes out, the seed is thrown, 
what happens next depends on the soul; 
will it whither, will it die; will it shrivel, will it cry;
will it abound deep from within?
only time will tell, if one can tell time, 
that time alone is needed for the harvest to fell.   

Patience my dear, patience indeed, 
only patience shall reap the reward to please.  
Steady thy hand, steady thy knees, steady thy heart, and you shall see.  

this is the path by which we learn loving the Lord, this it the path by which we find joy...

Here we shall arrive at the deep, pure yes; 
here faith finally arrives at the reward of bliss. 

beatitude comes, don't be amiss;
patience, patience, steady as you can;
the race shall end in His Merciful Hand!  


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