Thursday, June 12, 2008

still on our knees

1 Kings 18:41-46; It is right to praise you in Zion; Mt 5: 20-26

In the story of Elijah, we learn an important lesson, especially as summer approaches and the heat index rises and the drought falls upon us.  

Elijah declares a three year drought to King Ahab.  The king is not pleased.  So, the King gathers his prophets to try to invoke the power of god, his god, against God himself.  After their external show, the prophets of Ahab fail in their attempt and the rain remains absent. 

Elijah, invites God to show his strength.  God obliges.  After the demonstration, Elijah climbs the mountain and waits in humble homage, with head between his knees bowed low. 

On his knees he waits, realizing that rain shall come only in God's time not ours.  It is for God to send it and us to receive it; we simply must learn to wait on our knees, wait for his love. 

The rains fall and God once again proves himself to know best. 

The weather and rain are like righteousness.  Ultimately, it is God's doing in us, we simply must learn to wait on our knees.

As Jesus tells us that our righteousness must surpass that of the scribes and pharisees lest we not enter the kingdom of heaven, our knees get weak.  We begin to tremble.  How can we do this? 

It is one thing not to kill but not to get angry is all together a different reality.  The deepening of the law beyond the mere externals causes us to tremble with fear, causes our knees to quake. 

This is what it is suppose to do.  The invitation of Jesus is meant to keep us on our knees, relying on his strength not our own, trusting in his power to transform us. 

"For it was not in my bow I trusted, nor yet was I saved by my sword: it was you who saved us from our foes, it was you who put our foes to shame.  All day long our boast is in God and we praised your name without ceasing...For we are brought down low to the dust; our body lies prostrate on the earth.   Stand up and come to our help!  Redeem us because of your Love!" (Psalm 44)

Righteousness is like rain, we must learn to wait on our knees and trust in the power of God.  For it is the power of God in Christ that makes us righteous, makes us as we were meant to be. 

For when we are weak then we are strong in Christ, says St. Paul.  When our knees get weak, simply fall, this is a good place for all.  


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