Friday, June 13, 2008

tear it out and throw it away

1 Kings 19:9-16; I long to see your face O Lord; Mt 5:27-32

Jesus tells us in the gospel that we can't take all luggage with us when we go.  Somethings need to be left behind for the better lest we be dragged down with the weight of such a burden. 

He tells us , "If your right eye cause you to sin, the tear it it out and throw it away.  If your right hand cause you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.  It is better to lose one of your members than to have your whole body  go into Gehenna."

There are two things that are necessary in life. 

One, we must be able to recognize sin in our life.  This is important.  For to neglect sin is to neglect true love.  One can not love purely without recognizing what is not love, this we call sin. Recognition is everything. 

Secondly, once we recognize sin we must simply remove it and forget about it.  Jesus tells us to throw it away.  It greek the sentence suggest we should not care about it, which simply means we should not give sin any undue attention or worry or attachment.  We should let it go and move forward reorienting ourself to proper and ordered love: love of God and love of neighbor.

It is when we attach ourselves to sinfulness that we grow distant, cold, unable to love properly. 

Recognize it and let it go and move forward in purity. 

St. Anthony's feast day is today.  He is often associated with finding lost things.  St. Anthony look around, something is lost that must be found. 

In today's society the one thing that is lost is purity of love.  We pray that St. Anthony will intercede on our behalf in finding the gift of purity and chastity that has been lost by so many and enable us to embrace it and thus embrace the fullness of life. 

St. Anthony pray for us.


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