Friday, November 14, 2008

progressive faith

2 John 1:4-9; Psalm 119 Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord; Luke 17:26-37

Today we read from the 2nd letter of John; The 2nd letter of John may be the shortest book in the entire bible.  It consist of just 13 verses. 

The letter is meant to keep the Church, "the Lady, the chosen one" from going astray on false teachings of different sects.  

One of the sects being dealt with are those that "refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in human nature."

This may be a early reference to the sect that does not believe that God became flesh.  The modern name version of this sect is the Jehovah Witness.  They do not believe that Jesus is true god and true man and they do not believe in the Blessed Trinity. 

John warns the church to be on guard against such false teachings about Christ. 

Not all Christians faiths are the same, since not all "christian faiths" are Christian at all. 
The reality of false teachings the early church dealt with is the same reality we deal with on a daily basis. 

 Every body claims to have the Christian faith but how can we know for sure. 

Many want to claim Christ under pretense of leading people astray.  The surest way of discerning the authentic church is to make sure to go all the way back to the apostles; start with Peter and go from there. 

For as John says, "anyone who is so progressive  as not to remain  in the teaching of Christ does not have God."  It was Christ who gave the teaching authority to the apostles before he ascended, "go teach all that I have commanded you, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, and behold I am with you always."

Many people want to be progressive in their faith.  They want to be "post-denominational. " Be weary; be on guard; stick to the truth handed down for two thousand years from Peter the rock upon whom the Church, "the lady, the chosen one" was built to Benedict XVI together with the successors of the apostles, the bishops.  

Here you find the fullness of truth, the fullness of faith, life on high in Christ Jesus established 33 A.D. and still moving forward.   The Church, our mother, has moved through the ages defeating heresy and making truth accessible to all; this is what true progressive faith is all about, slowly moving forward making the truth of Jesus known through it all. 

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