Thursday, November 20, 2008

tears of God

Revelation 5:1-10; Psalm 149 The Lamb has made us a kingdom of priest to serve our God

In the gospel this day we encounter Jesus making his grand entrance into Jerusalem.  This is the scene we encounter on Palm Sunday.  He sits upon the colt and the disciples praise as he rides into Jerusalem, "Blessed is he who comes as king in the name of the Lord, Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heavens."

The King returns to claim his throne.  The king returns to establish is reign and to unite his kingdom.

As Jesus comes down upon the mount of Olives overlooking the city of Jerusalem he weeps.  

The tears of God roll down the face of Jesus. 

This is not the image one thinks of when a King comes to claim his throne. 

Jesus laments and mourns for the reality that these people do not recognize the hour of their visitation, a visitation that is meant to transform them, awaken them, set them a blaze with new fervor and new hope. 

Jesus comes to give hope to men and keep none for himself and yet they do not recognize his presence. 

How often do we fail to recognize the visitation of God in our life?  How often is the soil beneath our feet dampen by the tears of God?  How often do we fail to become the visitation, the presence of God for others in our life's journey? 

Pray for the gift to see, to recognize the encounter with the King that has made us a kingdom.  May we embrace the hour of our visitation. 

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