Monday, January 26, 2009


2 Timothy 1:1-8 or Titus 1:1-5; psalm 96 Proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the nations; 

Today in the Church we celebrate the memorial of Sts Timothy and Titus. 
Timothy and Titus reveal much to us. 

First they show to us the humility and zeal that St. Paul had for the gospel and the Church.  He did not do everything on his own but rather he was willing and ready to take on collaborators so that the gospel and the Church could be served. 

Secondly they show us what true generosity of heart looks like.   They were willing and ready to take on various offices and to travel great distances to serve the gospel with great generosity. 
They traveled to Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi, Thessolonica, Dalmatia, Crete, Athens, Jerusalem and many other places.  They were letter bearers, peace bringers, money collectors, shared correspondence between Paul and the church communities, they were eventually bishops, and Timothy even was circumcised at an old age for the sake of the mission.   Their feet were always on the go.
They  reveal to us that service to the gospel also entailed service to the church.  One cannot fully serve the gospel unless they also invigorate the church; they go together. 

The task laid before St. Paul and Timothy and Titus had little to do with their own personal egos but everything to do with the gospel of Christ and the Church of Christ.  Jesus was the figure head that bound them all together and filled them with humility and zeal.

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