Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hebrews 10:1-10; Psalm 40 Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will; Mark 3:31-35


Often when we here 'willpower,' we think of the power and ability not to do something: not to smoke, not to drink, not to have that second chocolate brownie with ice cream.

Willpower is more than not doing something.  Willpower is about doing and becoming and living the fullness of our humanity in accord with God's plan. 

Willpower is about understanding the good and moving toward that good with persistence even in adversity. 

Jesus tells us that those who are his brothers and sisters and family are the ones who do the will of God, the ones who go the distance.  

Willpower is about taking our passion and allowing them to be transformed by true glory.  Letting the good of God's will become the object of our will, our choice.  

God is pro-choice, he gives us the power to choose his will, only then are we truly empowered to have the fullness of life and joy complete.

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