Monday, March 23, 2009

forgive us our debt

Just read a recent article about the U.S. debt and how it is rising.  It is truly amazing. 

Just a note on how to picture what our debt looks like:

If you stack a $1,000 bill one on top of another , a million dollars would be 4 inches high, a billion dollars would be 358 feet high, to reach a trillion dollars that same stack would be 67.9 miles high. 

This certainly puts the national debt in proper perspective. 

Forgive us our debt is quite a mountain to move..."If you say to this mountain be up rooted and be planted in the ocean with faith it shall be done."

Surely this is not why on our currency we read, "In God we Trust."
But certainly, it doesn't hurt.

I'm not sure if Jesus was speaking about a mountain of debt but with God all things are possible.  May our congressmen and women and president seek the proper wisdom and judgment necessary to move us in the right direction. 

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