Thursday, August 6, 2009


Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalm 97 The Lord is king, the Most high over all the earth. 2 Peter 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10

The transfiguration!

Jesus climbs the mountain with the three apostles, Peter, James, and John, and his transfigured.  His robes are dazzling white and he visits with two of the great historical persons, Moses and ELijah. 

Here he seems to be at the height of his powers and glory, and what do we hear?

We hear the Father say, "Here is my beloved son, listen to him." 

At the apex of Jesus' authority and glory, we encounter the love of the father.  We discover that Jesus remains a son, dependent on his Father's will, seeking his Father's plan.

Jesus always remains a son, always remains dependent. 

JEsus reveals himself not as a rugged individual, doing his own thing, doing it his way; rather he reveals himself in the mystery and beauty of humility.  

Humility, the science of the saints, underscores the very reality of the Life of Jesus. Humility enables one not to trust on his own strength or power but depend fully on the love of the Father who will see you through.

It is the Father who sees; it is the Father who knows; this is the life of faith.

The love of the Father is the foundation of everything.  It is the love of the Father that transfigures all things.

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