Wednesday, December 23, 2009

bow and rise

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24; Psalm 25 Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand; Luke 1:57-66

The psalm's refrain today in the liturgy invites us to "lift up your heads and see; you redemption is near at hand."

Yet the psalm itself tells us that the "friendship of the Lord is with those who fear him."

The reality described is one of bowing low in order to truly be able to see clearly. We can not lift our heads and see until we have first gone down on bended knee. This is why at Christmas we genuflect when proclaiming the in the Creed, "by the power of the Holy Spirt HE was born of the Virgin Mary and became man."

We bow and thus we can rise and see that our redemption is at hand.

Pope Benedict this past Sunday at his noon angelus and welcoming of the crowd spoke these words: "Christmas is not a fairy tale for children; Christmas is God's answer to the drama of humanity in search of Peace. How we welcome Jesus and how we live at the service of God's plan and faith brings forth that peace into the world."

We must bow at the crib and then we shall rise and live the peace the Child brings to the drama of humanity.

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