Thursday, December 3, 2009

expect temptation

Today, Thursday, I have a few words from St. John Vianney:

"we must expect temptation. If you ask me what is the cause of our temptations, I shall tell you that it is beauty and the great worth of our souls which the devil values and which he loves so much that he would consent to suffer two Hells, if necessary, if by so doing he could drag our souls into hell...

We should never cease to keep watch on ourselves, lest the Devil might deceive us at the moment when we are least expecting...

When tempted by pride we should humbly and abase ourselves before God. When tempted against purity we should mortify our bodies and all our senses and be ever more vigilant. If our temptation consist for distaste for prayers,w e should pray with greater attention, the more we are tempted to give them up the more we should increase in number...

how greatly we should fear, lest we do not recognize our temptations! And if we shall never recognize do not ask God to allow us to do so."

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