Wednesday, May 11, 2011

into your hands...

The response is yesterday;s paslm at the mass was the following, "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit."

Now when we hear that, we should all stop for moment and think, "where have I heard that before."

These were the last words on the lips of Jesus before he bowed his head and died, "Into your hands O Lord, I commend my spirit."

Jesus last breath was utilized to say these very words. Jesus dies praying.

These words are words of trust and surrender. It is important to remember that this is exactly the sentiment and attitude that brings redemption in to the world. Redemption comes in surrender and trust.

Now it is easy to trust and surrender ourselves and lives to the hands of God when things go our way or go as we might hope or expect but what about those other times in life when we are left scratching our heads and wondering where the Good Lord is what he is thinking now.

These are harder moments to surrender and to trust.

But nonetheless this is where we learn to grow up in faith.

Even Stephen in the first reading mentions this as he speaks to the scribes and elders who as he calls them out as "stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in hearts and ears, always opposing the Holy Spirit..."

Opposing the Holy Spirit. Here is something ponder.

Are we stiff-necked? Do we oppose the Holy Spirit?

We do more than we think. Often we throw a tantrum in life because of the challenges and obstacles and mystery we face daily. But all of these are moments to trust and to surrender and to move forward in the SPirit that guides us all.

God is love. His providential carry is motivated by lover for love. It is his love that seeks to bring good out of all. All things work for Good for those that love god as St. Paul puts it so eloquently.

Many times we are kicking against the very love we seek and desire and want to experience. Challenges in our life are never met to destroy but build up. Into your hands, I commend O Lord, I commend my spirit.

We pray this prayer daily, nightly throughout our life. Every prayer is founded on this desire to surrender and trust and thus discover true freedom.

Someday we will actually mean it fully. Won't that be beautiful!

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