Tuesday, April 7, 2015


John 20:11-18

Here are a few words from pope Francis from the Easter vigil in regards to entering the tomb as we see the ladies do in gospel of Mark and Mary in today's gospel:

"Entering the tomb is an entering into mystery, going beyond our own comfort zone, beyond our laziness an  indifference which holds us back, sign out in search of turret, beauty, and love. Entering the mystery means seeking a deeper meaning, an answer, not settling for the easy score but encountering faith and fidelity which is a challenge to our existence."

We see this unfold in today's reading with Mary as she goes form being bent over with grief peering into the empty tomb to standing erect and running forth to proclaim the news to the disciples.  The drastic change revolves around her searching and responding to the call of he name by Christ.

What a thrilling discovery!

Jesus invites us through Mary to a new kind of intimacy, "I am going to my father and your father, my God an your God."

With a certain divine madness Jesus invites us into his relationship with the Father.  He wants to share that intimacy with us.  In this desire to share we encounter the foundation of mission activity.  Everything is founded on that thrilling discovery that we too now share in God's embrace, our Father's embrace in and through Christ's resurrection.

We should meditate on this: God is my Father.  We belong together in him.  We are no longer a people of God but a family of God.  The kin ship God wanted it humanity that began with Adam and Eve now begins to be realized, a realization that will be cemented in the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

We are children of our Father, bearers of the only flame that can light up the paths of the earth for souls, of the only brightness which ca never be dimmed, darkened, or overshadowed,  The Lord uses us as torches, as St Josemaria Escriva reminds us, torches to make light shine out.  IF we respond like Mary then people will be in darkness no longer, but will walk instead in along paths that lead to eternal life.

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