Wednesday, December 23, 2015


1 Samuel 1:24-28; 1 Samuel 2:1-8 My heart exults in the Lord, my savior; Luke 1:46-56

We read the stories of Hannah and Mary in today's readings for this December 22, 2016.  Just a few days before Christmas.

We witness Hannah bring her child, the one God gave her, back to the Lord for rearing, "Now, I in turn, give him to the LORD, as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated tot he LORD."

We witness the Blessed Mother in today's gospel burst in to song, "my soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior."

Both women are caught up in the unfolding of salvation history.  Both of their sons will be instruments for God as his saving plan unfolds.  Both mothers are being asked to step back, to not control, but to simply trust and let God's plan unfold according to his purpose and his plan.

God's plan of salvation happens in the lives of real people, at specific times and according to God's purposes.

This is important for us to remember.

The stories from scripture are not fairy tales that took place in some distant land far far away.  It happens in real lives and it continues to happen in our lives daily.

Like Mary and Hannah we have a choice.  We can cooperate with God's plan according to his purpose and surrender our control or we can fight it.  We can let God lead or we can become a hinderance for all that is good for us and the world.

Hannah and Mary both step back and let go and follow God's lead.  We too are invites to do the same.

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