Thursday, January 28, 2016


2 Samuel 7:18-19,24-29; Psalm 132 The Lord God will give him the throne of David, his father; Mark 4:21-25

Today in our first reading we get to eavesdrop on David's personal and prayerful response to God's promise of yesterday.

After the Prophet Nathan had spoken we are told that "David went in  and sat before the LORD and said, "who am I, Lord God and who are the members of my house, that yo have brought me to this point?"

David's first response to God's promise was to to go and be with Him, to be in his presence.

St Thomas, whose feast is today, along with all of the other saints, insist that the task of sanctity, holiness, is to practice the presence of God, that is to be mindful of God's presence that surrounds us constantly and to allow that presence to lead us forth in our daily walk.

David does this.  Do we?

How often do we sit before the LORD?

Secondly, note that David's words are indicative of someone who is in the presence of God, "Who am I?"

The first word is a word of humility.   We we practice the presence of God we become more deeply aware of his greatness and our smallness.  Only then can we truly experience our worth and value.  God in his supreme greatness has chosen freely to love us, it is a gift and for this we are humbled.

Who am I?  This is the beginning for all of us as we journey with God becoming aware of his deep abiding presence and love for each of us.

In the gospel today we are reminded that light is meant for visibility.  Our public witness is essential.
It is not to be hidden but exposed.

 Secondly, God allows us to set the criteria for our own judgment, "the measure you give will be measured out to you."

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