Tuesday, February 19, 2008

attention span

Matthew 23:1-12

Chairs, Phylacteries, tassels, heavy burdens are just a few of the keywords that stand out in todays gospel.  Makes you wonder if Jesus is off his rocker.  What do these things have to do with the good news, with salvation, with redemption.  

Jesus again wants us to move beyond the externals and go a little deeper.  He simply is trying to get us to realize that getting attention from others isn't the key to life, but rather giving attention to life and all that is caught up in living is truly the essence of holy living.

We are to be attention givers and not attention getters.  If we give our attention, become attentive, than truly we will get people's attention.  Mother Teresa is a good example of one who gave her attention carefully and methodically to life and received much attention.  

Good attention comes from those who give attention; this kind of attention transforms the world.  Let them see your good works so that they may give glory to the Father.


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