Wednesday, February 27, 2008

law and order

Matthew 5:17-19

Law is necessary.  Law is meant to bring order.  Order is necessary for love to be real.  

Humanity has a tendency to get lost in the castle in the skies idea especially when it comes to living love.  Many prefer make believe to reality and this is where tragedy befalls humanity.   

This is why we need laws, in order to curb that tendency of man to be lost in make believe and avoid reality.  

The Jewish law of the Old Testament started out with ten simple commandments.  These were and are broad principles meant to guide the human heart to the proper reality of reverence for God and reverence for life. 

Quickly, however, humanity sought ways to find loop holes in the principles laid down by God through Moses.  Convenience often trumps reverence. 

The Mosaic Law quickly became a collection of 613 statues commenting on the original ten.  However, this was also not sufficient and the Mishnah was written over time, which contained 800 pages of commentary on the 613 statues.  Later the Talmud came about, which consist of 72 volumes, commenting on the 800 pages Mishnah commenting on the 613 statues commenting on the ten commandments seeking to understand how to have reverence to God and reverence for life. 

It is amazing how the simplicity of God is too much for the complexity of man.

Jesus comes to fulfill the law.  Jesus, as Pope Benedict reminds us, comes not like those before.  He comes not making additions or subtractions to the law and the prophets.  The only thing Jesus adds to the law is Himself.  He is the fulfillment, He is the commentary written in flesh and blood. 

When all the words fall silent, the image of Christ stands the test of time revealing to us the true way of reverence for God and reverence for life.  In Him, the law comes alive. 

The Church's role is simply to make sure the true image of Christ is followed.  This is her task, to help us not to follow the wrong shepherd home. 

Law and order and order and love finds its completion in Christ the law giver, the one who gives Himself as the standard of love, true reverence of God and reverence for life. 


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