Thursday, September 18, 2008

a reminder

1 corinthians 15:1-11;Ps 118 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; Luke 7:36-50

St. Paul begins today's lesson with the words, "I am reminding you."

We are forgetful people.  The one thing we all have in common is that we forget and we forget often.  

Not only do we forget, but we have a tendency to remember all the wrong things in the process of living. 

We hold on to grudges of past hurts and humiliations of past failures but when it comes to moments of grace we pass over them often in silence. 

We have a knack for remembering all the wrong things and forgetting all the good. 

We are forgetful.  

This is why we use little sticky notes with smaller messages posted all over the place.  This is why we invest in planners and electronic devices to not only keeps us organized but to help remind us of what is to be done, where we should be, how we should do it.

We need assistance at every turn, lest we forget.

Today St. Paul leaves us a little sticky note just to jog our memory: 

"I handed on to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with scriptures, that he was buried; that he was raised on the third day accordance with scriptures..."

The gospel takes the message of St. Paul and paints a picture as Jesus forgives the sinful woman..."those who are forgiven much, love much."

Let the world know how much you are forgiven by the love you have to offer.  This way we become the little sticky note, we become the reminder for all to see. 

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