Monday, July 27, 2009

custom made

Ex 32: 15-24, 30-34; Psalm 106 Give thanks to the Lord for HE is good; Mt 13:31-35

We have been reading the beautiful life of Moses the past few weeks.  We have seen him in different spots.  He reluctantly becomes leader of ISraelites upon God' s request.  In becoming a leader he desires Aaron to be the mouth piece.  He is hesitant and unwilling to embrace the gifts he has been given and the roll he is asked to participate.  

But today He steps up to the plate.  The incident with the golden calf seems to be the incident that helps him finally realize his role, not so much as leader but as mediator. 

With the custom made tablets in hand, Moses is transformed.  His fury overwhelms him, and he throws down the tablets and  smashes the golden calf. 

Moses then goes before God and he seeks forgiveness for the people and in doing so he is willing to be struck out of the book of life.  Moses is willing to accept death so that the people might live and be given a second chance.  

He finally embraces his role.  
We too, at times can be reluctant in embracing our role in this world.  We can be hesitant and find excuses.  But there comes a time when we must step up, embrace our identity, and God be praised

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