Monday, October 5, 2009

go do likewise

Jonah 1:1-2:2,11; Psalm you will rescue my life from the pit (Jon 2:3-10); Luke 10:25-37

Today's readings include to very well known stories that of Jonah and the whale and the Good Samaritan.  Both of these stories are children's favorites.  They have been told over and over and over again. 

In reading the story of Jonah there are few things that pope to the surface immediately.  
1) Jonah was fleeing from God. He was running from God's mission for his life.  But even in running away he was still effective in leading to conversion of the pagan sailors.  Even in fleeing he still could not get away from the task given.  Running was futile.  We may run but we can never truly hide.  

2) Jonah finally prays to God but only when he is in the bowels of the whale.  This is a commentary on us.  How often do we delay praying until we are in the worst of situations or circumstances.  Again, though, God will take it even though he would rather us pray at all times.

3)  Jonah is finally released from the whale but it is a nasty experience.  He is "vomited" out of the whale.  This was no clean answer to his prayer.  It was messy but effective.  Grace builds on nature.

The story of the good Samaritan also offers a few insights. 
1)The lawyer is one who is learned in the law.  That is he has all the answers so Jesus meets him where he is and lets him reveal the answers he knows.  Jesus will use the knowledge we have. 

2)The questions posed by the lawyer to Jesus, "and who is my neighbor?" is answered by Jesus with another question, "Which was neighbor to the robber's victim?"  Jesus answers the question with a question and the question is not the answer the lawyer was looking for or expecting.  Jesus doesn't tell him who is the neighbor but rather how to be a neighbor, that is how to love.  In learning to love one discovers one's neighbor.  

The lawyer ask for orthodoxy that is what is the "correct thinking or right teaching" and Jesus gives him orthopraxis that is "right doing or right acting."  It is not enough to know we must also live it. 

Only then can we truly embody the words of Jesus, "do this and you will live."  In living correctly we experience eternity here on earth. 

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