Thursday, October 29, 2009

that sly fox

We see the Pharisees come to Jesus and say, "Go away, leave this place because Herod wants to kill you."

The first question to ask is, "Are they trying to warn him or scare him?"

Are the Pharisees really concerned for Jesus' welfare or are they more concerned for themselves.

Jesus' isn't spooked so easily. He stands his ground and continues the course he knows God has ask him to go. He lets the comments roll off his back and pursues the higher ground.

It is admirable for us to seek to imitate Jesus. Steady and strong we shall move through this life unhindered by fear and not easily spooked by words of another.

Today I would like to share a few words of St. John Vianney:

The Good God wants us to never lose sight of the cross. Therefore He has placed them everywhere. Crosses are scattered through out life, on the road side, in the public square, in our home and family and at our work place. There are many crosses that beckon at us. THey are like stones over a river by which we pass toward heaven. These crosses are meant to deepen our appreciation and deepen our memory of that Cross which proves God's love.

Every time we experience a cross in our life we should say the words of St. Francis of Assisi: we adore you O Christ and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world; by this cross you redeem me.

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