Monday, July 19, 2010

sunday's readings

genesis 18:1-10; Luke 10:38-42

Just a quick look at yesterday's readings.

The first reading was taken from the life of Abraham found in the book of genesis.

If you remember, Abraham was tending to his house and three strangers came upon him by the terebinth of Mamre. Abraham quickly invited them to stay awhile as he offered them hospitality.

First, the terebinth of Mamre was simply a giant oak tree. It biblical times trees were landmarks. They would use trees to mark where you were and which direction you were headed. They were Landmarks that also provided much need shade for weary travelers.

Abraham meets these strangers and his response toward them is one of generosity. He not only offers them time for rest and relaxation but he slaughtered the calf and kneaded the dough. It was an all day affair.

Why was this done?
Why the slaughtering of the calf, the baking of bread, the lounging under the shade tree?

Abraham saw in the strangers' face the gaze of God.

What a lesson for us?

How often we look past the stranger? How often we treat others like strangers?

How do we offer hospitality to those around us? How are we generous with our time, our possessions, our thoughts when it comes to others?

We may not kill the fatten calf, but wouldn't that kind of generosity begin to change to world?

Secondly the strangers come bearing good news: Sara Abraham's wife was to be with child.

How often have we chased people away without giving them time to speak a good word from God himself?

See the gaze of God in the stranger's face.

the strangers' message is also note worthy.

they tell abraham that Sara will have a child the following year.

at first glance that sounds great. But, At the time the message is shared, Sara is 90 years old. In fact the very next line of the reading, Sara is laughing when she hears the message. She is in disbelief that God would give her a child in her old age.

Imagine being a woman of 90 and discovering the reality that a baby is on his way? Wouldn't that be quite a conversation between husband and wife!

The reading invites us to suspend our expectations when it comes ot God's plan and God's ability to work in our life. We must learn to be generous in giving God the opportunity to work in our life as he sees fit. We can not control his power or might.

This is what true hospitality is all about. Learning to be generous in allowing God's generosity to take the form he desires.

One thing to remember is that God wants to stir our life up. He doesn't want us to grow stagnant. He will reach fro heaven and intervene often. Many things that are unwanted or unwarranted or unsuspected in our life God can use for a greater good, to shake us up to allow him in.

Nothing ever goes to waste in the hands of God.

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