Rev 14:14-19; Psalm 96 The Lord comes to judge the earth; Luke 21:5-11
Today in the Church we celebrate several feast.
Today is the feast of Pope Clement 1, the 3rd successor of Peter and also the feast of Blessed Miguel Pro, a priest during time of persecution in Mexico in the 1920's and the years that follow, as well as, the feast of St. Columban, abbot during the 6th and 7th century.
So here are few words from each of these beloved men of the church.
Pope Clement I
"What then brothers ought we do? Should we grow slack in doing good and give up love? May the Lord never permit this to happen at any rate! rather should we be energetic in doing "every good deed" with earnestness and eagerness."
St. Columban
"Loving God renews his image in us...So we must turn back our image undefiled and holy to our God and Father, for he is holy; in the words of scripture:be holy, for I am holy. We must restore his image with love, for he is love...We must restore it with loyalty and truth, for he is loyal and truthful. The image we depict must not be that of one who is unlike God; for one who is harsh and irascible and proud would display the image of a despot."
What image do we display?
Blessed Miguel Pro
"Viva Cristo Rey!" these are the last words spoken by Fr. Miguel Pro as he stared down the firing squad. He was arrested for being a catholic priest. What a way to die, totally self-possessed and faithful until the end. What beautifully fitting last words pressed upon his lips that have never ceased to give glory to God, "Viva Cristo Rey...long live Christ the King." "Viva Cristo Rey...enough said!
What a more beautiful way to live!
the above pictures are the last taken of Blessed Miguel Pro's execution. One while he kneels and prays, his final request before the firing squad, one while with outstretched arms, as he awaits the bullets, the last is the final shot that took his earthly life.
1 comment:
Thank you for the post about Padre Miguel Pro. Many people aren't aware of the ravages of the anticlerical regime of Mexico following their civil war which devastated that country.
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