Monday, December 13, 2010


Numbers 24:2-7,15-17; Psalm 25 Teach me your ways, O Lord; Matthew 21:23-27
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Lucy, Lucia. She was a young noble lady who being raised in the Christian by her mother, decided to vow herself to Christ.

she was refusedly betrothed to a young man who did not take her consecrated virginity to well. He sought to take it from her. She refused to give in. Miraculously she was guarded by the Holy Spirit and kept undefiled.

The youth in his fervor took her life when he could not have her virtue.

Lucy should be a patroness for our current age. So few women guard their virtue and so few men seek to respect it. In this age of casual sex and recreational "hooking-up" Lucy reminds us that virginity is a mark of faith.

One who guards her virginity is one who truly loves. This is the rebelliousness we are lacking in our current society.

In the Words of the Poet Kenneth Patchen, "It's always because we love that we are rebellious; it takes a great deal of love to give a damn one way or another what happens from now on: I still do"

Lucy cared. this is why she rebelled against the onslaught. The Youth of today seem to care not and thus they have lost their way. Through the intercession of St. Lucy may the youth once again learn love and guard their virtue for the sake of love himself.

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