Friday, April 22, 2011

good friday: speechless

As we meditate on the Crucifixion of Our Lord here are a few words to guide our meditation.

Isaiah 52:13-15

"See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted. Even as many were amazed at him-so marred was his look beyond that of man, and his appearance beyond that of mortals-so shall he startle nations, because of him kings shall stand speechless: for those who have not been told shall see, those who have not heard shall ponder it."


My favorite part of the gospel of the passion of John is where it simply states the fact that "he bowed his head and handed over his spirit."

Think about that for a moment. It this simple gesture he speaks volumes. Bowing his head and handing over his spirit he reminds how salvation comes to us in trust and surrender. This is the way of salvation. All the suffering, all the pain and hurt, all of this and more culminates and finds its strength in trust and surrender.

This is always and the only way to salvation. Salvation comes into our world by way of trust and surrender. Father into your hand sI commend my Spirit.

All we can think is What wondrous love is this....

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