Monday, December 5, 2011

Fool proof

Isaiah 35:1-10; ps 85 our God will come to save us; Luke 5:17-26

Advent offers some of the most profoundly hopeful and beautiful readings. As we read from Isaiah the entire landscape of our lives is turned upside down and beauty and life rise to meet us.

Isaiah invites us in for a stroll to see what life can be: "the desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will bloom; abundant flowers and rejoicing with joyful songs..."eyes will be opened, ears will hear, lame will leap, the mute shall sing; streams will burst forth. A highway will be there called the holy wAy, and no one unclean shall pass nor fools go astray. It is for those who have a journey to make and on it the redeemed will walk. Those ransomed shall be crowned with everlasting joy"

Wow! It seems like a Disney special. The best part is that it is "fool proof" for even fools can't go astray.

We just have to acknowledge our own need and be willing to make the journey with one step at a time.
It is a journey of a thousand steps but each one is made in the mercy we seek.

Walk in mercy today both seeking and giving: it us fool proof!

Besides. Look at the gospel. We read these words, "Jesus knew their thoughts."

Who do we think we are kidding? There is no need for pretending, no need for pretense, no need for hiding, no need for putting on air, there is no need for any of that stuff! There is only need for mercy: seeking it and giving it.

We are not as strong as we think we are and thAt is why we lay ourselves before the feet of Jesus.

Only then cAn we hear "rise and walk" only then can we begin the journey home.

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