Friday, December 2, 2011

Vocabulary list for Advent

Isaiah 29:17-24; Ps 27 Th eLord is my light and my salvation; Mt 9:27-31

THe readings today offer us many vocabulary words for the Advent season as we prepare for the celebration of Christ entering our lives.

Just take a look at the words chosen by the prophet Isaiah and the psalmist in todays readings.

"Out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see"

"The lowly will find joy in the Lord"

"THe poor will rejoice"

"For the Tyrant will be no more, the arrogant will have gone"

"THey shall reverence the holy one of Jacob"

"be in awe of the GOd of ISrael"

My personal favorite ccomes from the psalm
"be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord"

Stouthearted means to be bold, brave, and firm. Is this not what true waiting for the Lord entails, for us to be bold, brave, and steadfast as we anticipate is arrival. We cannot quit too soon.

We must be stouthearted in our faith.

This is the theme of Advent: stoutheartedness.

Try it for size.

Try these words on for size.

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