Thursday, January 26, 2012

chain reaction

2 Tim 1:1-8; Titus 1:1-5; Ps 96 proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the nations; Mark 4:21-25

To start with today I have two quotes that have little to do with each other but I find them humorous and insightful nonetheless.

First from author Christopher Hampton, "Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs."

The second come from Pope Benedict, "The admonition, "be nice to one another", is certainly not to be scorned, but it does not reach the height of the gospel because it spares us the effort of setting out on the way to truth and so of really coming together."

Today is the memorial of the saints Timothy and Titus. These are two companions of Paul who later become bishops in the early church.

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Today we look at some of those who who were converted because Paul was converted.

Conversion is meant to be a chain reaction. True faith does not and can not remain isolated to an individual. Faith reaches out and touches those around us. Other people should experience our own conversion and be moved by it.

What is unique about Timothy and Titus is they come from different backgrounds. Timothy was raised by a jewish grandmother and mother, where as, Titus was a gentile through and through. Yet, the grace of Paul's conversion attracted both of them and led them to Christ, for whom they would give their lives fully, completely, tirelessly.

The words of Paul to Timothy are very much words to us as well, "stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. so do not be ashamed of your testimony of the Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake, but bear your share of the hardship of the gospel with the strength that comes from God."

stir into flame the gift of, here is a nice task set before us all. How do you keep the flame of faith alive in your heart and mind? How do you guard the fire burning in your soul? Remember the words of Pope Benedict yesterday, we must develop an eco-system of faith that guards our spiritual lives. Fire needs fuel to burn. How do you fuel your spiritual selves so that you become the lamp that radiates the light of CHrist?

bear your share of the hardships of the gospel with the strength that comes form is true we each have a share in carrying the gospel message. It cannot all fall on the shoulders of the clergy. There are a lot more lay people then there are of us. We expect the clergy and bishops to bear the hardship of the gospel daily, but all of us have to share in that lifting up and proclaiming the gospel.

We have many who claim to follow Christ but refuse to embrace the gospel message. We have many who want to do their own thing and thus the weight of the gospel is even heavier on those few who seek to live it fully and authentically.

we all must find a way to bear our share of the hardship of the gospel. As Benedict tells us there is an effort of seeking the way of truth and lifting the gospel.

It is a chain reaction of faith we seek to get moving. Let us let Christ to use us as a catalyst.

Catalysts that speed of a reaction are called positive catalyst; those that slow down a reaction are called inhibitors; those that increase the reaction of catalyst in reaction are called promoters; that which deactivates the catalyst in reaction isa catalytic poison.

Which are we?

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