Friday, January 13, 2012


1 Samuel 8:4-22; Ps 89 Forever I will sing the goodness of the lord; Mark 2:1-12

In the first reading we encounter the Israelites wanting to be like every one else. They want a king like all the other nations. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to be like everyone else. To blend in, to be like the next guy is easy. We all do it all the time. Think about the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you live in, the coffee you drink. Advertisements make their money convincing us to settle, to be like the everyone else.

For the most part they have succeeded.
Even today we continue to compare ourselves to the people around us. We live our lives trying to keep up with the Jones.

In the gospel, we see something different. We see four men climb to the roof. They refuse to stand outside. They refuse to keep their distance like everyone else. They put a lot of effort into getting close to Jesus. They had to tear a hole int he roof just so that they could get closer, be nearer.

It took a lot of effort to be in the presence of Jesus. Because of it, their world changed drastically. Their worldview changed as well. The willingness to be near Jesus, and the effort put forth, puts us on a different plane of existence.

Like the man on the mat we too can rise and walk. In our wake, astonishment shall follow and wonder shall captivate all.

But it takes effort. What roofs, what obstacles do we need to tear down so that we might get close enough to never be the same.

Effort is necessary. Many of us think spirituality and faith should be easy. With that mind set we will only and forever will just be like the next guy. But with effort and perseverance, truly a new lifestyle emerges.

Effortless faith is no faith at all. Even St. Paul describes it has running the race. We do this, he says, not for a perishable crown but an imperishable crown.

Effortless faith mocks the true effort of the cross of Christ.

Let us begin tearing holes in the roof, tearing down walls an truly rise and walk forth in new strength of faith.

Put forth the effort and let the faith grow into something beautiful for God and into the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reflection. This was something I needed to hear right now.
