Friday, January 20, 2012


1 Samuel 24:3-21; Ps 57 Have mercy on me, God, have mercy; Mark 3:13-19

The gospel: "Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him.

He appointed Twelve, whom he also named Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons."

First noticed that Jesus chooses those he wants.

We are all wanted. Sit with that for a while. Find yourself today entering into the fact that the divine presence wants you. We have a place of belonging.

SEcondly, He calls the twelve so that they might primarily be with him. We are, like the twelve, are not called primarily to do something but rather to be with someone.

Each day we start with this in mind, "how can I be with JEsus today."

Only when we are with him can our life be that which preaches, brings light to the darkness, not becasue of who we are but becasue of who we are with. It is being close to Jesus that empowers the light to shine through us, his light.

Then we can cast out demons, exorcise the world. Here we must remember there is something in the world that is against goodness, there is a resistance to the message but it is a resistance that has no power.

If we are wiht Jesus, then our presence becomes that presence that will improve the fitness of our world,we shall make the world healthier becasue we bring the presence of Jesus with us as we go.

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