Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Saints revisited: one heaven of a slogan

As I was thinking about All Saints and heaven and all that jazz that goes with it on this Holy Day; I couldn't but think that Heaven needs a slogan, a catchy phrase to keep our attention.

Every good product has a good slogan that lingers in our heads.  Think about the marketing business.  Some them are quite creative.

Here are just a few...See if you know which product they go with...

Melt in your mouth not in your hands...

Like a good neighbor...

Your 're in good hands with...

Every kiss begins with kay...

Be all that you can be....

Have it your way....

Just the way you like it....

Just do it......

Good to the last drop...

Heaven needs a catchy  slogan.

Here are a few I came up with.  If you have any to add let me know in the comment section.

Heaven: its where you want to be....

Heaven: if you want it; you can have it...

let the want of heaven trump all your other wants...

Sainthood: to be a saint you have to want it and the halo will follow...

Heaven: be holy or die trying...

The original Halo games...


Dot said...

Heaven: Paycheck for your good deeds on earth.

Anonymous said...

Heaven help us...appropriate for All Saints Day and the upcoming election