Friday, November 9, 2012

watered by the flow from the sanctuary

Ezekiel 47:1-12; Ps 46 The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High; 1 corinthians 3:9-17; John 2:13-22

The word of the prophet Ezekiel come to mind: Every month they shall bear fresh fruit , for they shall be watered by the flow from the sanctuary..."

Being watered by the flow from the sanctuary.

This is a pretty good image of what a healthy prayer life looks like.  How do we know we are praying enough: are we producing fresh fruit with our lives.

Are we  allowing ourselves to be watered by the flow of the sanctuary?

Ezekiel goes on to say, "their fruit shall serve for food, and their leaves for medicine...they shall nourish and nurture.

This too is evidence of prayer in one's life.  Is the fruit of our life nourishing and nurturing those around us.

This is a litmus test for us as we continue our pilgrim journey.

How are we watered by the flow of the sanctuary?

How often do we spend time before the Blessed Sacrament?  How often do we go in the quiet of before him who has humbled himself to be here with us day after day?

How often do we attend mass to receive the very presence of Christ for us in the Eucharist?

How often do we avail ourselves to the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

We must be watered by the flow of the sanctuary so that the fruit we bear will be the fruit the world needs.

The difference between praying in our car and praying before the Blessed Sacrament is the difference between water from the faucet and miracle gro for the plants.  It is different and necessary.

"did you know you are the temple of God and the spirit of God dwells in you?"

As we look to the gospel and see JEsus clean house with a whip in one hand the question to ask ourselves is what needs to be driven out from our temple, our lives?

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