3D Tv and movie going experience has been on the hot seat once again. It is the latest fad and seems to be gaining ground in the entertainment industry.
Currently on the market there is advertised the latest 3D TV; you can now bring the 3D experience to your home. You no longer have to go to the movies.
Most people enjoy the 3D experience. They like to feel part of the movie; rather than a spectator, the 3D experience incorpartes you in to the film and makes things come alive.
all you need is the right pair of glasses and you are good to go.
3D is better because that is how we live. We do not live on a 2 dimensional relaity. Living requires a complete immersion and a full engagement if life is to be squeezed for all it is worth.
St. Paul understands. This is why he invites us to "comprehend with all the holy ones" the love of God in Christ, its length, height, depth and thus we can "know the surpassing knowledge of the love of Christ."
To love God is a 3D experience, complete immersion and full engagement.
This is what St. Paul is wanting us to understand. YO can't just say you love, dream about love, write about love but rathe ryou have to live love with complete immersion and full engagment.
God's love for us is 3D. Is thi snot what the cross of Christ is all about. God becomes one of us and lives and loves us as we are in history, complete and full.
He simply wants us to do the same.
This is how the world is set ablaze as Jesus tells us in the gospel: "I have come to set the earth on fire, an dhow I wish it was already blazing."
Each day we should pray to the Holy SPirit that enables us to enter in to the 3D love of God in Christ and allow our hearts to be set a fire.
Here is a little prayer that may help:
Breathe in me, O Holy spirit, that all my thoughts may be holy
Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work may be holy
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, That I may love what is holy
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy
Guard me, O Holy Spirit, that I may always be Holy
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, consume me with your fire
Holy spirit, Holy Spirit, set my heart a fire
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, fill me with you power
Come Holy Spirit, Let you fire fall, let your fire fall, let yor fire fall on me!
I love this prayer! Thanks for bringing it to my attention again. And thanks for sharing all these great little reflections!
God bless!
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