Ephesians 5:21-33; Ps 128 Blessed are those hwo fear the Lord; Lk 13:18-21
Here is that famous question posed by Jesus, "what is the Kingdom of God like?"
As we look around and think of the many analogies or symbols that can be used to describe the kingdom of God, not to mention the mustard seed that becomes a large bush or the yeast that leavens the dough and enables into rise, there is one analogy that is right before our eyes and yet remains somewhat distorted by our society.
What is the kingdom of God like?
St. Paul gives us the perfect example. We don't have to ponder mustard seeds growing or dough rising; all we need to do is take a long steady gaze into our own lives and the lives of those around us and we shall see, even if for the first time the proof for the kingdom: "Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for christ...Each should love his wife as himself and the wife should respect her husband."
The great spousal analogy St. Paul speaks of into day's first reading is a glimpse into the kingdom of God. This is what the Kingdom looks like when embraced fully...the one flesh union between husband and wife bringing forth the icon of God into our midst.
The power of Grace made manifest in the promise of fidelity and simply words "I take you to be my..."
Where a man gives himself fully to his wife and his wife gives herself fully to her husband and the union that comes forth shines brilliantly the glory of God, the kingdom thus is in our midst.
The Kingdom is made present in our bodies when we give ourselves, hand ourselves over to the other...
And two shall become one flesh...Marriage is the ICON of the Blessed Trinity when without reservation the gift of self is made one to the other.
What is the Kingdom of God like: like a husband who loves his wife and a wife who respects her husband and together they walk hand in hand through the mystery of tomorrow, no circumstance to deter them from the faithful love they profess...
The Kingdom is borne on the lips and hearts of those who stand by their words. Hand in Hand they walk toward Heaven carrying eternity in their hearts for the Kingdom of God is within a heart of faithful love.
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