Tuesday, October 12, 2010

faith working through love

Galatians 5:1-6; Psalm 119 Let your mercy come to me Lord; Luke 11:37-41

We continue to hear the words of St. Paul written to the church of Galatia. There was a dispute within the community as to what constituted an authentic follower of Christ. The question amongst the community was whether or not following the way of the Mosaic Convent, the laws and precepts, were necessary. Some believed that in order to be a true believer circumcision was necessary.

St. Paul simply reminds the community even as he continues to exhort us that external realities like circumcision or dietary laws can never be enough for it is a life lived in love that truly becomes the mark of the believer: faith working through love. This is what matters; this is what counts.

We cannot go through the motions. It is our heart that must be touched by the Spirit, circumcised for love, to love.

Circumcision was a sign of the old covenant; shedding of blood was necessary for God's favor. God, however, does not want our blood he wants our life. Spilling a few drops of blood can never justify us. The blood of Christ as already done that. We are justified by Christ but the proof of our acceptance and recognition of this reality must be seen in the life we live; no longer hidden but now in the open for all the world to behold.

Faith working through love. What is the power behind our love. What is the motor that keeps our love moving forward. Is it not the faith we have received and the belief in our hearts. Faith is no longer a stagnant reality of scar tissue but rather it is love in action that cuts and wounds the world.

This is why Jesus tells us, "give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you."

Give alms and everything will be clean.

Only the gift of self can truly begin to realize faith as it was meant to be realized.

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