Friday, June 17, 2011


Today we hear these words from Jesus from the gospel of Matthew, "Store up treasures in heaven...for where your treasure is, there also your heart will be." Matthew 6:19-23

What occupies your heart most of the days and nights will reveal to your where you have decided to place your hopes and dreams. What occupies your heart shows you what treasure you have set your eyes upon.

Where is your treasure? Have you stored up treasure in heaven?

Do you want the treasure Christ offers for you?

We put many things way that we value; but how often do we have others put things away for us they value most of all?

I talked to my little nephew today who was going to the bank in shiner because they wanted to stash away some old coins they had purchased. They did not want to lose it.

Christ has stashed away a treasure for us. He values us that much. He does not want us to lose it. In fact the treasure is us who arrive where we are called. Jesus said he has prepared a place for us. He has prepared a place for us because he values us that much.

The place has been prepared for the treasure that God sees in us.

DO we want it? Do we live for it? Is our heart where our treasure is?

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