Sunday, May 5, 2013


Acts 15:1-2,22-29; Ps 67 O God, let all the nations praise you!; Revelation 21:10-14,22-23; John 14:23-29

Do not ruin the Surprise!  How often have I heard these words growing up!  My mother would line us children up and tell us, "don't ruin the surprise," when there was a party or gift for someone who was unsuspecting.

The thought was that the suspense and mystery was essential in magnifying the experience of the surprise.

We were told not to ruin the surprise.

How many times have i been told not to ruin the a movie or a book by spilling the beans about how it ends!  We do this all the time.  We don't want the movie or book to be spoiled.  Some how we want the experience of discover not to be trampled upon.

We tell people who watch the movie first or read the book first to keep their lips sealed until after we have had the opportunity to let the story unfold be for us.

The thought is that somehow knowing the end ruins the story, ruins our experience, takes something away, lessing the moment.

Is this true.  Does knowing the end ruin or lessen the experience?

I think not.  In fact, how often have we reread novels or re-watched movies without it ruining the experience.

Many times this revisiting of movies or novels have actually enhanced and enriched my experience.

The plot is more meaningful; the characters take on a new depth of meaning and importance.

Knowing the end keeps everything flowing and puts everything in proper perspective.

This is the same in our spiritual journey.

Knowing the end makes all the difference.

Today we read from the last chapter of the last book of the bible.  John catches a glimpse of heaven and shares it with us.

spoiler alert  indeed!

What we first see as we encounter John's experience is that the holy city comes down from heaven to earth.  Think about that for a moment.

How often when we think of heaven do we think of going up; we imagine ourselves being lifted to some extra terrestrial [;ace where God dwells.  This is not what John reveals.

Heaven comes down to earth.

The fulfillment of our desire is realized in this downward movement of heaven.

How does heaven come to earth?

Look at the gospel for today.  JEsus tells us, "If you love me you will keep my words; if you keep my words my Father and I will come and make our dwelling in you."

God in Christ wants heaven to come down daily in our lives.  This is a gradual and gentle reality that unfolds step by step.   As often as we keep the command of Christ and put is words in to action in our lives, heaven is made realized here and now.

As often as we turn the other cheek, forgive 7 times 70, love our enemies, do good to those who hurt us, bless those who curse us, heaven is made present in our lives.

God does not just dwell upward, out of sight and out of mind, but he dwells in us.  This indwelling of God is what brings heaven to earth in and through our lives.

Knowing the end doesn't ruin the surprise but helps us put all things in proper perspective.  We bring the surprise with us as heed the words of Christ and live out our discipleship daily in what we think, say, and do.

Jesus words put into act in our lives brings about the downward movement of heaven to earth which is our fulfillment.

Knowing the end, keeping the end in mind enhances and enriches our experience of life and love.

Where you are going determines how you will get there.  John does us a great favor.  May we return the favor and allow heaven to come daily in our lives.

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