Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today we turn our gaze to the apostles, especially St Matthew.

Three things to note about St Matthew:

Matthew was considered a public sinner. As a tax collector, Matthew was on par with extortionists, adulterers, murderers, and the like. He was a public sinner, an outcast.

And yet he was the one Jesus called forth. Jesus does not exclude but includes.

Secondly, like many of the apostles, Matthew was called while working. It was in the ordinariness of work that Matthew hears the voice of God. This reminds us that as our hands are busy our ears should be open and attentive to the voice of God.

There is no place and no time that the voice of God can not reach and penetrate the human heart.

Thirdly, Matthew followed immediately. He rose and left all. There was no question, no worries about what tomorrow would bring, but just a simple and complete trust that God would provide.

Jesus I trust in you was the essential and immediate response to the call. I trust therefore I will follow wherever you lead.

The essential aspect of being true to the call is one of absolute trust and surrender and thus we learn to rise. Here we encounter true progress and real advancement for the mankind.

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